Prayer Newsletter

Academic Direction “I am currently in high school and I have chosen the pure science stream. My classmates all say that the humanities stream is more suitable for girls, but I really like science. However, after hearing what my classmates said, I felt confused. My mom prays for me every day, and I also pray myself. Sometimes I get so caught up in studying that I might forget to pray, but I know that the Lord Jesus is always guiding […]

China News & Prayer (2024.05.18-24)

Breakthrough “Whether interacting with family or colleagues, I find myself lacking boundaries, which has created great obstacles for me. In relationships with friends, I cannot open up and develop deep connections. I am also not very good at expressing myself and have a strong sense of inferiority. I do not know what I really want, especially when facing choices – the hesitation and struggle within leaves me feeling distressed. I know that the Lord Jesus loves me, but I haven’t […]

China News & Prayer (2024.05.11-17)

Think and Act Courageously “I have been a Jesus-follower for two years but have no courage to go to church. My grandmother and aunt are Christians but we have never talked about our beliefs. Sometimes I will exchange ideas on my belief with the daughter, who is a Christian, of my mother’s friend. She has invited me to join her cell group. Yet I have no courage to join them. Maybe I am the ‘lone believer’ you have mentioned. I […]

China News & Prayer (2024.05.01-10)

Workplace Relationships “I have poor interpersonal relationship at work and find it difficult to adapt to the environment. It’s very painful and I feel oppressed and targeted. I also disagree with some of their practices, so I’m considering changing my job. There is a company that is currently recruiting. The competition is intense though, especially I don’t have any significant edge. I feel tangled and struggling. Over the past eight years of work, none of my colleagues have become believers. […]

China News & Prayer (2024.04.24-30)

Pruning for Better Growth “Although I grew up in a Christian family, I was always confused about my faith. It wasn’t until a few years ago when someone introduced me to Radio Liangyou. I was deeply attracted to the programs especially during times when I felt frustrated. Your programs always brought me comfort and gave me motivation and direction in my actions. I fully know that it is God who has used Radio Liangyou to change me, and I am […]

China News & Prayer (2024.04.17-23)

Don’t Go Astray “My younger aunt went to another city for the sake of work, and she has found a church where she is warmly received. She is now attending the seminary of this church and also got a pay from the church. This really surprised me. My aunt has sent a message to some members of her original church, saying that what has been preached in the original church is not pure and thorough. My father also serves in […]

China News & Prayer (2024.04.10-16)

Pruning for Better Growth “Although I grew up in a Christian family, I was always confused about my faith. It wasn’t until a few years ago when someone introduced me to Radio Liangyou. I was deeply attracted to the programs especially during times when I felt frustrated. Your programs always brought me comfort and gave me motivation and direction in my actions. I fully know that it is God who has used Radio Liangyou to change me, and I am […]

China News & Prayer (2024.04.01-09)

Special Gift “My child has been diagnosed with ADHD and has gone to various hospitals for treatment. I myself have tried to learn how to accompany such child to grow up. I am so stressed when I face his studies. He is unwilling to learn. He is not interested in doing many things. But he is very concentrated on program designing. I know that a child like this may not be capable of doing many things. I have also accompanied […]

China News & Prayer (2024.03.23-31)

Walk through the Dark Valley “Due to my negligence, I was cheated out of more than two million RMB dollars. I reported the case to the police but nothing was revealed by the investigation. Suffering the torture, I lived a life without cause. It looked like the situation was changing for the worse. Charged with drink driving, my son was fired from a job where he worked really well. He and his wife got divorced dealing with the conflict. It […]

China News & Prayer (2024.03.16-22)