China News & Prayer (2024.01.01-10)

Desire for Change

“I have been a believer for seven years, but I have always struggled to escape from my own cycle. Each time I attempt to make a change, the negative influences from my past drag me back in. Some sisters suggest that it’s due to a lack of faith, but I’m unsure how to liberate myself. The people around me have gradually distanced themselves from my life, leaving me with very few friends. I feel like a person filled with insecurity, sensitivity, and suspicion. It’s not something I desire, yet whenever a problem arises, all these detrimental habits resurface. These issues have also affected my relationship with my husband. It feels as though my spirit is particularly dull.”

(Sister “Desire”)

  • May the sister have the courage to face her past self and firmly rely on the Lord as she moves forward. Relying on oneself often leads to failure, but relying on the Lord will surely bring victory.

Looking Up in Sickness

“I’m 45 years old and have been following Jesus since I was young. After getting married, I joined the church choir. In 2018, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I underwent surgery and chemotherapy, but the cancer spread to the mediastinal lymph nodes. I started taking targeted therapy, but the cancer cells then metastasized to my lungs. This disease has been progressing in my body, to the point where I can’t sleep at night and suffer from dyspnea. It’s so painful! I lost over 20 kilograms in just two months and have no strength left. I prayed and asked the Lord to bring me home, as I don’t know what else to do. Every day, our choir group listens to programs from Radio Liangyou, where they say they are willing to intercede in prayer for the listeners. I really want you to pray for me and help me understand God’s will. I want to be an obedient and submissive child who brings joy to our Heavenly Father.”

(Sister Chen)

  • Heavenly Father, Your beloved daughter is gravely ill. In moments of despair and helplessness, she does not indulge in self-pity but seeks to understand Your will. May You watch over her and grant her peace.

Gospel Broadcasting

  1. 75th Anniversary: This year is Radio Liangyou’s 75th anniversary, we hope to celebrate and count God’s blessings with our listeners. It all started when our founders were granted a “Power Unlimited” broadcast license from the Philippines’ authorities. On the same note, the Almighty God, with His unlimited power, has also snatched us out from the grips of death to become children of God. Let’s give our praises to the Lord.
  2. New Generator: For quite some time now, the backup generator at Iba transmission site has gone down, resulting in suspension of broadcast — Radio Liangyou Channel One — whenever there is a power outage. Now with the support from our ministry partner, a new generator has been purchased and paid for, and shipment arrival is pending.
