Engage the Unreached
“I studied in a theological seminary before and was forced to go to Phnom Penh, Cambodia in the second year as the seminary had to move there in special circumstances. After finishing my studies, I had been serving in and co-operating with some churches in Cambodia and learning Khmer. I’m serving with my teacher in the rural area starting from this year. Many of the people there are illiterate and some elder people cannot see well. To nurture them with the word of God, I’m going to buy devices so that they can listen to hymns and sermons. The pastor of my hometown church has agreed that I should go out and serve the people but hasn’t sent me on a mission or provided me with any support. Please pray for my mission here.”
(Brother Wang)
- May God guide and bless brother Wang and his fellows in their mission in Phnom Penh to reach the unreached, and supply every need of theirs.
Financial Reform
The Central Financial Work Conference was held in Beijing at the end of October to arrange relevant financial work for the future period. It suggested efforts should be made to deepen the supply-side structural reform. Li Bin, Director-General of the Macroprudential Policy Bureau of People’s Bank of China introduced the following items of the reform: (1) tightening the macro-economic control; (2) advancing financial institutions reform; (3) promoting financial development; (4) expanding financial openness; (5) upholding the marketization and legalization of the reform approach. Continuous improvement of the financial environment and enhancement of the quality and sustainability of financial supplies are important.
(“China News Net”, November 1, 2023)
- May God give the government officials wisdom and strength to introduce policies to reform, improve and stabilize the financial system, and enhance the monitoring and serving levels so as to provide strong support for the healthy development of the society and economy.
Relationship Recovery
“My mother loves quiet and behaved children. My elder sister is one of that type. My mother said I was a wild child and was criticized a lot. Both my elder sister and I are Christians but are in such a deadlock situation. I have been struggling and want to repair our relationship. We are living together but never talk with each other. Continue to live in this stressful environment, I will probably have mental health illness. I invited her to pray with me but she refused. She doesn’t talk with me in the church. I don’t know what to do. Please pray for me.”
(Sister Yue)
- God knows what is happening between the two sisters. Sister Yue wants to repair her relationship with her elder sister. However, it takes two people to maintain and build upon a relationship. May God give sister Yue wisdom to communicate with her elder sister.
Recess Restrictions
According to many parents of primary school students in the Mainland, many schools require the students not to leave their classrooms during the 10-minute breaks between classes. Students are also forbidden to jump, run around or speak loudly, otherwise scores will be deducted when they are caught. The conflict among students, parents and teachers has not yet been resolved. Some parents are very concerned about their children’s safety and will hold schools accountable if there are accidents. Some schools take the above measures to avoid safety incidents that will disrupt and disturb teaching and learning. However, some parents do not agree and opine that adult should also take responsibility and should not place restrictions on students’ behavior during break periods due to their concerns about the children’s safety.
(“China News Net”, October 30, 2023)
May God help teachers and parents work together to create a suitable school environment for students to release their academic stress through class breaks. Pray that students can learn communication and self-discipline skills, and feel a sense of belonging at school.
Gospel Broadcasting
- Broadcasting Theme: Someone says that there is no growth without pain. This is the process of growth. No one likes pain no matter what people say: “An uncut gem goes not sparkle.” and “Heaven will confer great responsibilities on this people.” etc. The process is too difficult anyway. People always feel that they cannot get through it. But Radio Liangyou will enter this difficult stage with listeners in 2024. The broadcasting theme for year 2024 will be designated as “Trim and Train” !
- Self-study Platform: The self-study platform of Liangyou Theological Seminary has been very popular among users since its launch. Our co-workers are still thinking over and trying in respect of both the learning platform and examination model. In the future, we will add examination questions in form of words, hoping to help learners master and strengthen their ability to express in words. This will make them more comprehensive and mature in pastoral services and delivering sermons.