Monthly Archives: December 2024

Family Harmony “My wife once had a miscarriage. At that time, my mother came to take care of her. There was a big conflict between the two of them. I prayed for them earnestly. I also sent an email to the radio station seeking for help. Thanks to God’s grace. My wife felt a complete relief in her heart. Her life was filled with the joy of care given by the Lord. All her bitterness had gone. She has thanked […]

China News & Prayer (2024.12.25-31)

Amazing Grace “More than a decade ago when I was a theological student, I was robbed one night by four young men who stabbed me several times. On the operating table, I called out to God to save me if I could become a vessel fit for the Lord’s use. I would rather rest in the Lord otherwise. God healed me so miraculously that even the doctor said it was a miracle. Then the four teenagers were arrested, and the […]

China News & Prayer (2024.12.18-24)

Preaching the Gospel “My co-workers and I are evangelizing to different cultures in ethnic minority areas focusing on local university students. We go to nearby villages preaching the gospel to the students who return to home during summer holidays. Most of them are ethnic minorities, and it is not easy. Our preaching is not working satisfactorily. We then have collaborated with local churches. This has eased the problem. Our bittersweet encounter has enabled us to experience Paul’s suffering and joy. […]

China News & Prayer (2024.12.11-17)

A Pastor’s Heart “The pastor in my church is relatively strict and likes to teach people a lesson with God’s words. The Bible says that a sentence rightly given is like apples of gold in settings of silver and it is beneficial to people. Ask God to give the pastor this perspective. She probably wants to correct the mistakes of brothers and sisters; or she may have her own selfish motives. In any case, we need to focus on God […]

China News & Prayer (2024.12.01-10)