Monthly Archives: January 2023

Mother Forces me to Marry “My mother is concerned about my marriage because I’m 26 years old, got no stable job, and with no local household registration. She posted my profile on dating websites and was upset to find no one was interested in me. Out of the fear that I might not be able to get a good partner, my mother therefore asked me to return to my hated accounting job and relocate my local household registration. She also […]

China News & Prayer (2023.01.23-31)

Saying Grace For A Meal “How should I value the practice of saying grace for meals daily? My family and I know that our basic necessities of life are all provided by God and we should be grateful for these. But saying grace for all meals has become formalized. If I don’t mention the practice of saying grace to my family, we will start to eat directly. If I mention it, I’m the only who can lead them to say […]

China News & Prayer (2023.01.16-22)

Choose to Forgive “My wife ran away from home and wanted to divorce me last May. But I disagreed. We have a seven-year-old son and a five-year-old daughter. She has neither returned home nor contacted her parents until now. I have to rely on Jesus so that I can forgive her. When my son was just one month old, she had run away from home for a week and I had forgiven her. But then she left again last May. […]

China News & Prayer (2023.01.09-15)

Mother-in-law and Me “The relationship with my mother-in-law is difficult. This is probably due to the poor relationship between my husband and I. Disregarding my husband’s irresponsible deeds, she is still in favor of her son. This annoys me a lot and I have even thought of ignoring her when she gets sick. The original decent and cheerful girl has now become silent and unhappy after going through all these bad experiences. I felt that my mother-in-law would never take […]

China News & Prayer (2023.01.01-08)