Prayer Request (2020.11)

Program Effectiveness: The program “This is the Day” started broadcasting in 2016. In it, listeners have been encouraged to memorize Bible verses from week to week, and now have accumulated 205 verses altogether. Listeners who call in to recite verses range from 2 to 80 years of age, from individuals to families of several generations, and occasionally we get a church group of over 100 people reciting in unison. Of these participants, some are illiterates, and some visually impaired. Some senior folks memorize verses by singing them to their self-composed melodies. Some even copy the verses to make their own hand-written albums! When I heard the program hosts’ sharing, my heart was filled with thanksgiving! Radio Liangyou, from its inauguration till this day, always places the scriptures in the first place, and that influenced many people. May God continue to use us!

LTS Bachelor of Ministry: Beginning January of 2021, LTS will launch an all new “Bachelor of Ministry” Degree program, to further equip our graduates from both the fundamental and the advanced diploma programs, and to upgrade the effectiveness of Christians serving in pastoral roles. All staff at LTS are zealously preparing for the various aspects of the course program. Please pray for the publicity and the enrollment of the new program, that many may be blessed.

Day of Retreat: The biennial staff retreat is to be held in November in the FEBC office with the theme “In the New Norm – To Be His Servants”. Having experienced a whole year of social instability, followed by the ongoing pandemic, pray that the Lord will use the speaker’s message to encourage our colleagues to regain strength from the Lord, and to continue to be faithful servants by His grace.