Prayer Request (2019.10)

Be Still: When the mountains quake and the nations are in uproar, God orders his people to “be still”. “Be still” does not mean to be quiet, not working, nor peace, no war, but relying on the Lord and not struggling. In this chaotic society, let us continue to pray and learn not to act according to our will, but to be humble and wait for God to show His mighty works according to His sovereignty, time and way. The name of God must be exalted for His wonderful power!

New Programs: In late October, a revised program schedule will be released. Radio Liangyou will launch several new programs according to the needs our audience, including Disciple Training, Mystical Soundscapes (audience-produced program), Elderly Cheerfully (elderly program), Better Half of the Sky (ladies program) and etc. Meanwhile, Throne of Grace will turn into a 30-minute program with live broadcast on every Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Please remember all these new programs and changes. May prayers and God’s word be the comfort of people’s heart!

The Ways of the Pastors (WOP): 17 mentees from the 4th Phase WOP training have completed the two years of intensive training. Graduation ceremony was held in mid-October. May them to be a blessing to the church. The second training of the other 15 mentees from the 5th Phase will be held in November. May the Lord keep them safe and secure.

Succession Plan: Time really flies, our Executive Director Rev Raymond Lo will have served in FEBC Hong Kong for 18 years, and will retire in 2020. Please pray that our Father will send his faithful servant, according to His will and time, to complete the unfinished work of spreading Christ through radio and multimedia across China!