Prayer Request (2017.08)

68th year of Broadcasts: Our deepest gratitude for your prayer and contributions in support of our stride into the 69th year of gospel broadcasting! We must admit that in the past 68 years, in spite of the concerted effort of our staff in program production for the multitudes of fellow countrymen, and testimonies of many whose lives are changed because of the gospel, there are still lots of souls out there who have not heard of the good news, and many more who have not decided to follow Jesus. Christ to China by radio is a commission still pending. Please stay with us so we can accomplish the mission!

Audience Respsonses: Responses in July amounted to 7,481, program downloads over 1.78 million times, the number of hours on streaming media reached 33,000 and the Liangyou Index read 164.8. Program downloads on WeChat climbed to over 50,000 times. 58 new students are added to Liangyou Theological Seminary (LTS), making a total of 496 this year. Thank you Father for keeping and watching over us. All our platforms are running smoothly and listeners have encountered no problems so far. May the Lord bless and help our listeners through our programs.

LTS Advancement: LTS is celebrating her 35th anniversary this year. After all these tending years, LTS has become a fairly established seminary on air, with most graduates rendering better lay ministries in churches, and others becoming full-time pastors and missionaries. Besides the existing volunteer, undergraduate and advance courses, as well as The Ways of The Pastors training ministries, LTS is making plans on targeted training for young people. Please pray for us so more youngsters are getting equipped in the Word of God. Let us see here what Sister Liu of Shaanxi has to share with us.